Monday, November 21, 2011

ETA Coach Athletes at the Philadelphia Marathon, Half Marathon, and 8k!

ETA Coach athletes flooded the starting line at he Philadelphia Marathon, Half Marathon, and 8K this weekend.  Check out everyone’s race results and write-ups below!

Full Marathon

Chakir Bouchaib 2:32:12
Frank Maneri 3:02:56
Dan Bucherer 3:14:08
Garrett Watkinson 3:33:25
Michael Kelly 3:48:18
Samantha Murphy 5:42:15
Jillian Schneider 6:03:38

Half Marathon

Matt Brill 1:15:44
Maggie Brill 1:27:28
Scott Ensley 1:29:44 

Joe Caruso 1:35:38
Tom Whalen 1:45:56
Page Greenberg 1:50:24
Kim Dechen 2:21:31


Holly Geldhauser 32:27


In the marathon, Chakir Bouchaib led the way with a blistering time of 2:32:12.

Frank Maneri was next to cross the line, setting a PR of 3:02:56 at the young age of 49.

Dan Bucherer was next to cross the line in his marathon debut with a time of 3:14:08, and he’s already talking about what marathon to run next!

Garrett Watkinson also made his marathon debut crossing the line in 3:33:25, and he hopes to run another marathon in the spring.

Michael Kelly had a fantastic race and crossed the finish line in 3:48:18!

Samantha Murphy and Jillian Schneider both struggled with injuries while training for their first marathons, but their hard work and dedication enabled them to finish the marathon in 5:42:15 and 6:03:38, respectively.  

Half Marathon

In the half marathon, Matt and Maggie Brill led the way crossing the line in 1:15:44 and 1:27:28, respectively.  Matt was 2nd in his age group (35-39) and Maggie was 4th in her age group (34-39) and also set a 40-second PR.  That is one strong gene pool!

Scott Ensley grabbed a PR for the day crossing the line in 1:29:44. Not bad considering Scott was forced to take some time off from training due to being hit by a car while cycling! 

Joe Caruso smashed his old PR and running 1:35:38. 

Tom Whalen took on his first half marathon and crossed the line in 1:45:56.

Page Greenberg jumped into the race for fun after recently finishing the NYC Marathon, crossing the line in 1:50:24 and placing 6th in her age group (55-59).

Kim Dechen made her comeback race after having a beautiful baby boy and crossed the line in 2:21:31!


Saturday at the 8K, Holly Geldhauser ran a solid 32:27 and now sets her sights on a half marathon in 2 weeks!

Fantastic job, everyone, and keep up the great work!

Coach Jason, Matt, and Maya

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Trials of Miles and Miles of Trials

“Trials of miles and miles of trials” is what Quinton Cassidy and Bruce Denton of the famed cult-classic running fiction novel Once a Runner would say when they put in a ton of training. This training would leave them beat down mentally and physically, but they would push through.  I feel their pain, but on a different level.  My miles of trials are more mental than anything.  Not being able to run due to repeated injuries again wears on me.  It’s disheartening knowing that I may not be able compete in any type of running event again, but at the same time I’m alive, have my health, and am about 4 more months away of being in the best swim shape of my life. 

 An amazing day in June spent swimming with ETA Coach Laura Pyott in Stone Harbor NJ.  The water was flat, warm, and almost as clear very clear for the Atlantic!

So what’s the next step?  Well, I finally got all my MRIs and for both hips and knees and set up an appointment to see a sports med doctor the second week of September.  For now, I plan to continue to focus on my swim and bike.  Over the summer I was able to ride and swim a lot. The best part of the summer has been all the open water swimming in the Atlantic!  Open water swimming 2-3 times a week has indeed brought my swimming to another level.  Come this fall, I will be swimming with a competitive high school group to continue improve my swimming.  I hope these kids don’t beat me up to much!

I will be the first to admit that I was not as diligent as I should have been over the summer with maintaining my PT exercises and soft tissue work to help offset the pain I experience in my hips and knees while running.   So, as expected, every time I would head out for a 20min run, my hip would flare up.  I need to take my own advice and progress very slowly.  Even if that means my 20min runs turn into 4min and 30s of walking followed by 30s of running for a total of 20min.

“The human body is very good at adapting to stress when that stress is applied in small doses.  To prevent injury, get faster, stronger, and break through plateaus, you must gradually and systematically increase the amount of training stress” – Ross Tucker PHD

The next 4 months I will be gradually and systematically increase my training in hopes of hitting the following numbers.  

Focus - Volume
5-7 Days a week
2-4000 yards each day
Focus – Frequency
5 Days a week
30-90min each day
Focus – Pain Free Running!
3 Days a week
20min each day
Train Smart - Coach Jason

Monday, August 29, 2011

I'm injured therefore I must ice and take anti-inflammatory drugs to heal quicker! Right?

I'm injured therefore I must ice and take anti-inflammatory drugs to heal quicker!  Right?  That may not be the case!

Coach Jason Kilderry

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Scientific Evidence and Health Supplements

Updated visual representation of the scientific evidence for health supplements. Each study used to construct this image was large, human, randomized placebo-controlled trials. No animal trials. No cell studies.

Many of the health claims made by the $23 billion supplements industry are based on non-human trials.
Awesome! - Coach Jason Kilderry

Monday, August 15, 2011

Compression Socks - What science tells us

So do you really want to keep wearing your compression socks during your races? Maybe after workouts, but still unclear. Great article and key phrase to look for "No improvement in endurance running performance was observed in either compression condition"

Enjoy - Coach Jason Kilderry