Monday, January 24, 2011

9 degrees befoe Master Swim Group

It was 9 degrees out this morning when i got into my care to head to swim practice.  Funny thing is I loved every second of it.  Nothing liking getting up at 515am and getting ready for a workout.  I know for sure I'm happy to be able to do so. 

I have been reading Tony Dungy's autobiography and something he said stuck out to me the other day.
"Tony Dungy speaking to a small group of people. "We always have to be sure the prize we're after is worth while. I explained that while the super bowl is a great goal, if its all were after, we'll be disappointed when we get there"

Enjoy the journey and embrace everyday that your able train.

Happy Training!

Coach Jason 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Immune System and Carboydrates

It's normally this time of year that the flu starts to show its ugly head. For the endurance athlete this is never fun, but they can be more at risk of getting the flu. High intensity or volume based exercise can actually depress your immune system by releasing excess stress based hormones! So what should you do stop working out?! NO! 

Just make sure you are taking in an adequate amount of carbohydrates through out the day, before, during, and after your workouts. Research has shown having a diet higher in carbohydrates, then the average person, can reduce the amount of ...stress hormones released following exercise.

Make sure you choose carbohydrates that are "quality" such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. So a apple a day should keep the Doctor away right? I would say your better off adding a bowl of blueberries, kale, or quiona with your apple :)

Happy Eating!
Coach Jason

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Traveling and Eating Healthy

One thing i never plan for is eating well while flying.  I always forget to pack snacks and food and end up eating disgusting air port food!  My friend Michelle Ulrich and former ETA Coach athlete posted on her blog awhile back on some great ideas on what to pack when traveling.  Michelle is finishing is currently finishing up her Masters degree in Sports Nutrition. Take a peek!

Coach Jason 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Training to Train?!

That is my new philosophy right now, training to train.  Every several attempts of failed comebacks, I'm now training to train.  What does that mean?  Well I hope to race at the end of the summer, and looks like this year I will be down the shore 3-4 days a week.  What better thing do do down the shore 3-4 days a week than train!  But following my own advice I have to really build a huge foundation.  I just developed a Strength Training plan for myself and will start implementing it asap.  I will continue to throw in 3 x a week of swimming, 3 x a week of cycling, and 3 x a week of hiking.  Yes I said hiking, i refuse to call it walking :).  The swims will be with a group I formed at Riverwinds Community Center.  There is about 8-12 of us meeting at 6am every morning.  The bikes will be on the trainer for right now and only 20-30min.  The hikes will include 30-1:30 in length and incorporate some sort of hike/run interval. 

So I'm training so i can train this summer!

Coach Jason

Monday, January 3, 2011

Gaining Weight

My goal the past few months has been to gain weight.  Well that has not happened.  So I have to listen to simple advice, and eat more.  Yep it really is that easy.  I always use to complain when eating healthier foods, i would always be hungry.  In order to gain weight i have to eat when I'm hungry, yes its not rocket science.  It can be tough at times, because you have to eat often, but its all about preparation.  I have been taking two days a week to prepare food and snacks so I always have food ready to go.  I'm adding shakes in the morning and night and a new organic bar that is really tasty.  I would highly suggest it to anyone.

I have to get a few RD's opionions, but I'm thinking most will agree.

Happy Eating
Coach Jason